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Tailored solutions for complex trade challenges

The Trade Policy Hub offers bespoke, rigorous, and specialised consulting in trade, investment, sustainable development, and industrial policy. Our work enables governments to resolve complex decisions about trade policy trade-offs and supports companies to navigate regulatory regimes, seize new market opportunities, and gain competitive advantage.

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"CDC Group commissioned LSE Consulting's Trade Policy Hub to conduct a comprehensive evidence review on trade and supply chain finance (TSCF). The review helped us ensure that our impact framework and investment activity is informed by rigorous evidence. We are grateful to the LSE team for constructively challenging our assumptions and helping us to improve our impact framework, enabling us to continue to enhance our impact as we continue to expand our TSCF programme in the coming years."

British International Investment (formerly CDC Group)

Trade Policy Analysis

What we do

We undertake comprehensive data collection and analysis, offering policy recommendations on a range of issues including market access, regulatory concerns, government procurement, investment, and broader horizontal approaches, such as firm-level analysis. Our work is grounded in academic independence and rigour, ensuring world-class quality and trusted, actionable insights.

At TPH, our process begins by thoroughly understanding your needs and translating them into actionable steps. After you complete an objectives checklist, we will share and refine a concise proposal during a video call, ensuring alignment with your goals and target audiences. We then situate your challenges within the academic landscape, identifying clear action points through in-depth desk research.

To enhance our understanding, we address evidence gaps using a variety of primary and secondary research methods, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and roundtables. This triangulated approach ensures the robustness of our findings. Finally, we deliver our insights through a compelling narrative, guiding both you and your stakeholders on a journey that elevates your message and tailors it to resonate with specific audience groups.

Project examples

Listed below, a few examples of Trade Policy Analysis projects.

Potential synergies between external trade policy and internal economic initiatives to address the strategic dependencies of the EU

The impact of Brexit on the dairy sector in the UK

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement

Photo of busy market at night

Sustainability Impact Assessments

What we do

Our assessments provide comprehensive economic, social, human rights, and environmental analyses of trade and investment arrangements and agreements, employing both qualitative and quantitative methods. These assessments focus on unilateral, bilateral, plurilateral, multilateral, or sectoral initiatives.

Impact Assessments and Sustainability Impact Assessments (SIAs) play a crucial role in shaping responsible and forward-thinking policy decisions, particularly in the context of international trade agreements. They offer policymakers a holistic understanding of the potential economic, social, environmental, and human rights impacts of proposed trade agreements.

SIAs contribute to the establishment of more resilient and equitable trade relationships by highlighting areas where capacity building or additional safeguards may be necessary. These insights are invaluable in crafting policies that balance economic growth with social and environmental sustainability, empowering decision-makers to anticipate challenges, identify opportunities, and develop and implement effective mitigation strategies.

Project examples

Listed below, a few examples of Sustainability Impact Assessments (SIAs).

SIA in support of the Association Agreement (AA) negotiations between the European Union and Mercosur

SIA of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Japan

SIA in support of negotiations with partner countries in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) in view of deepening the existing interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

SIA of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and Thailand

Photo of wind turbines


What we do

We evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of trade policies, agreements, and initiatives through a comprehensive approach that blends quantitative and qualitative methodologies. We measure outcomes against objectives and we utilise key performance indicators, such as trade volume, market access, and economic growth, to gauge success.

TPH conducts both short-term and long-term impact analyses, examining both immediate effects and projected trends over the next decade. Our process involves extensive stakeholder engagement, capturing insights from industry leaders, economists, and policymakers to ensure a well-rounded evaluation of policy outcomes. We benchmark performance through comparative analyses with similar initiatives in other countries or regions, identifying best practices and lessons learned.

Our methodologies include preference utilisation rate calculations, analysis of customs procedures, regulatory analysis, and detailed mapping of barriers for businesses in partner markets. Employing advanced economic modelling and forecasting techniques, we project future impacts and scenarios, offering a forward-looking perspective.

Through these comprehensive evaluations, TPH delivers data-driven insights, assesses compliance with international trade standards, and provides strategic recommendations for enhancing future trade policies and decisions.

Project examples

Listed below, a few examples of Evaluations.

Photo of rice fields

Capacity Building

What we do

We offer capacity building and in-service training programmes to enhance policymaking on trade and investment issues, alongside workshops and events designed to engage the wider public. Our services include bespoke training for negotiators, policymakers, and other stakeholders, as well as teach-ins. Through this, clients gain insights into both methodological and topical developments in trade, investment, regulation, and sustainable development. Drawing from our recent research, we provide training on areas such as e-commerce, services trade measurement, digital market access barriers, and trends in trade and sustainable development implementation and enforcement.

Our process begins with a clear understanding of the client's needs. After the client completes an initial checklist, we review their aims, objectives, timelines, and budget to define the optimal structure and content for the training. We then contextualise the client's challenges within the academic landscape through comprehensive desk research. To ensure the training is fully tailored, we design a questionnaire to assess the team’s specific needs, balancing international developments with the national regulatory context.

Building on these insights, we deliver the training content through one of our world-class experts, accompanied by a supporting academic, in an interactive session that encourages engagement. Finally, to enable knowledge transfer within client organisation, we provide trainees with slides, recordings, and additional materials following the session.

Project examples

Listed below, a few examples of Capacity Building projects.

Providing data and information for discussion and analysis conducted by CORLEAP

Assessing Myanmar’s TVET landscape, focusing on private sector roles, skills development constraints, and policy recommendations for strategic growth

Photo of the LSE Old Building

Stakeholder Engagement

What we do

Stakeholder engagement enables researchers to gain valuable insights into participants' experiences through direct observation, active listening, and gathering information beyond what is available through desk research. This approach ensures that all potential channels of impact—including transnational, national, and local levels—are considered, promoting inclusivity, enhancing analysis transparency, and highlighting key issues in trade negotiations.

Our stakeholder consultations begin with setting clear objectives, identifying key stakeholders or groups, and understanding their interests and priorities. This process includes developing customised consultation tools, such as targeted surveys, interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, and roundtables. Each engagement concludes with a comprehensive overview of consultation activities undertaken. Our services include data collection and analysis methodologies, supported by an extensive network of experts, practitioners, and stakeholders across the UK, EU, and third countries.

In particular, qualitative interviews have been instrumental in our projects. They provide insider perspectives on the sector, validate assumptions formed during desk research, bridge information gaps not publicly accessible, uncover stakeholder perceptions of existing metrics and potential improvements, and generate renewed interest and momentum in the subject matter.

Project examples

Listed below, a few examples of Stakeholder Engagement.

SIA in support of negotiations with partner countries in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) in view of deepening the existing interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

SIA in support of the Association Agreement (AA) negotiations between the European Union and Mercosur

A critical review of existing methodology

Photo of a meeting

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